Planets are scattered throughout the chart, represented by different symbols. Planets that pass through the different houses of your chart affect your reading. Things that are hidden, like hidden emotions and secret aspects of one's past, are revealed by the 12th house. Supposedly, you should wait until you have a significant planet transitioning through this house before taking big risks. It represents when and if your dreams will come true. The eleventh house is known as the house of hopes.It also reveals your place in a community.

Your ambitions and aspirations are found in this house. The tenth house represents career and status.In addition to long trips, of 500 miles and more, emotional journeys and transformations are found in the ninth house. Journeys found in the ninth house are both physical and metaphorical. The ninth house represents long distance travel.Birth, death, decay, healing, surgeries, and injuries are found in this house. The eighth house is the house of regeneration and rebirth.It can show what you need in a long term romantic partner. Things like marriage and romantic partnerships are controlled by this house. The seventh house represents serious, committed relationships.Where these houses fall on your chart, and what planets and signs rule these houses, help you read your astrology chart. In addition to the first 6, there are another 6 houses. The sixth house is the house of health and service, representing your general physical well-being throughout life.Romance and love affairs are also found in the fifth house as are how you approach pleasure and fun. The fifth house represents children and how you relate to them.Your roots, background, childhood, and the inner emotions that stem from these areas of your life are dominated by this house. The fourth house represents home, family, and property.This also points to your mental attitude, learning style, self-expression, and manner of speech. How others communicate with you, physical forms of communication like letters, and short distance travel is found in the third house. The third house represents communication and transportation.Financial security and emotional well-being throughout your life can be evaluated by what sign and planet are found in the second house. The second house represents your money, personal assets, self-worth, and attitude towards such things.Planets and signs found in the first house have a huge influence on your personality. That is, your identity, physical appearance, attitude, temperament, and other inherent qualities.