Search for specific characters or groups using the search field at the bottom of the window.Double click a character to insert it into your text.The "Musical Symbols" section is in the "Symbols" category. I go through the post carefully, you may try find music notation symbols from Character Viewer on Mac, go to Edit>Emoji & Symbols, then click icon in the top right corner, in the pane on the left, find Musical Symbols, if you don’t have the category, try click settings at top left>Customized list, and select Musical Symbols. Open and close the sections to browse the symbols.Once you display the Character Palette, you can From then on, while in any application, you can choose "Show Character Palette" from the Input menu on the right of your menu bar (next to the clock).

Check "Character Palette" and "Show input menu in menu bar". If you’re searching for free serif fonts, check out popular fonts like NIGHTMARE PILLS and Playfair Display. Because of this, serif fonts are popular fonts for long blocks of text like books, newspapers, and magazine articles. To make it available in any program, go to System Preferences -> International -> Input Menu. Serif fonts have a classic look to them, and the serifs are also known to aid in the readability of text.In programs like Safari and TextEdit, choose Edit -> Special Characters.

If you want to insert the few most-common musical symbols into text, such as putting a flat sign ♭ in the middle of a sentence, you can use the Mac OS X Character Palette, a window that lets you select symbols and special characters visually.